Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May's Weekly Food Goodies! (1)

This update came a bit late due to work. Back so tired after work that all I want to do is shower and knock out! Not that my work is very tiring just work itself has much to speak for itself eh?

Home cooked macaroni with egg tofu by myself!Because Hendrick say he's sick of eating out or takeaways so I simply cook a simple lunch. Easy peasy!

Chicken fillet with terriyaki sauce. I added more terriyaki sauce while cooking because I didn't let the marinated chicken to absorb the marination enough. Too hungry to wait!

Fried egg tofu

Ah there! A successfully pan fried terriyaki chicken. I left the marination for about 45mins while doing other stuffs. The previous one was only left for 15-20mins.

Spaghetti to go with!Using macaroni though because it's troublesome to get the spaghetti noodles.

Omg I love this! Mui fan cooked by my mother. Rich in sauce and ingredients! Better than the ones you can get from the Zi Char stalls((:

My favourite flavour of maggi mee. But my favourite brand for tomyum is the little chef cup noodles. Sinful for supper but I was mad hungry and I couldn't get my spicy nuggets!*frown*

I try to not eat maggi if possible because of the MSG and I don't want to have massive hair loss and be bald please.

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