Blogger has new updates!I clicked on it and it changed to this whole new layout.Pretty neat stuff I say.
Now photos can be uploaded in bulk!
Just keep selecting the ones you wanna upload in your post and you can wander off doing other things before checking on it's upload status.Better than the one before where there could only be 5 photos per upload,which is superrrrrrrrr slowwwwwwwww!
And if you'd realized,ever since I started blogging more often(at least once a week) I make a point to give a title to each of my post.I don't do that previously because idk what's the purpose of the title.I though only me myself can see but I was wrong.Okay noob spotted =X At least now it looks more classified?Organised?Idk what's the word for it lah.
One of the reasons I started blogging often is due to the influence of successful blogger.Hope some day in the near future,I would be one of them.
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